Theme and objectives

Fibre optic sensing technologies provide a cost-efficient alternative to several conventional geophysical approaches. Fibre-based tools use changes in light properties to measure physical parameters such as strain, temperature, rotation, pressure, acceleration, and chemical compositions. Some of them enable us to obtain measurements of these parameters at high spatial and temporal resolution over several km. As a result of this versatility and exceptional capabilities, fibre optic sensing technologies are proving successful in an ever larger application scope in the field of Geosciences, including e.g., earthquake and volcano monitoring, near-surface imaging, ocean sciences hydrological monitoring, energy resources, structural health monitoring, etc.

The conference "Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences" aims to foster discussions among the diverse community involved and relevant to this field, including geoscientists, photonic experts, instrument manufacturers and fibre optic network providers. The ambition of the conference is to identify pathways for leveraging fibre optic networks and fibre optic sensing tools to improve resilience and sustainability in our modern Society.

Palazzo Platamone - Convento San Placido Via Vittorio Emanuele II