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Programme PDF

The meeting will span 4 days, beginning with an opening session on the evening of 27 August, followed by 3 full conference and workshop days, and departure on 31 August. There will be an optional day field trip on 31 August, returning to Gdansk (see below) in the afternoon.

The conference schedule is planned to maximise interactions between participants and the exchange of ideas around the three core themes. Keynote speakers will be added here in spring 2018. The programme will include:

Keynote lecture: We are pleased to have four leading scientists providing keynote lectures during the meeting: Professor Barbara Wohlfarth (University of Stockholm), Professor Raimund Muscheler (University of Lund), Dr Guido Vettoretti (University of Toronto / Centre for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute) and Dr Thomas Laepple (AWI, Potsdam) Each will provide a framework for the meeting in 40 minute keynote talks that will present new ideas and developments in the field, identify new avenues and research directions and stimulate discussion.

Thematic talks: Oral presentations (15 minutes) will be chosen from the submitted abstracts and organised into the conference themes.

Panel discussions: Session chairs and selected delegates will form a panel to extend discussions and stimulate debate around each of the conference themes.

Poster session: Posters will be on display throughout the meeting, with three dedicated poster sessions each proceeded by 2 minute flash-talks by presenters on that day’s theme.

Topical presentations: Invited contributions aligned with the conference theme will present state-of-the-art progress in cross-disciplinary palaeoclimate research. Confirmed presentations include: Professor Christopher Bronk Ramsey (University of Oxford) on developments in integrating records and data (introducing “INTchron”); Professor Eystein Jansen and Dr. Trond Dokken (University of Bergen) on progress in the ice2ice project.

Break-out sessions: Break-out discussions and workshops will be arranged across two afternoons, providing an opportunity for further discussion and to identify new research avenues within the specific themes. Breakout session topics and chairs will be identified in advance. Chairs will report back to the conference following each session.